We have exciting opportunities for anyone wanting to draw on exhibit at the Burke Museum. The Burke would like have Natural Science artists come along during their Bug Blast, Birds at the Burke and Meet the Mammals days. The Museum will supply paper and tables and you bring your own drawing supplies. If you have special materials you may want to bring those supplies in addition. We will set up an art station for the public to try their hand at drawing using both Burke supplied materials, and materials that are not so familiar such as carbon dust or scratch board.
Additional details: · Lunch will be provided free to all participants with homemade soup, salad and sandwiches provided by the Burke. · Free parking · You may bring your framed art to show as examples (provide your own tabletop or floor easels). If you are interested in this opportunity please respond at least two weeks before the activity dates so that we can work out stations, set up and request specimens from the Burke. The plan is to have two groups of artists, the first group to cover the 10am to 1pm time slot, and the second group to cover the 1pm through 4pm time slot. Of course anyone is welcome to stay all day. Respond to Susan [email protected] stating the following: · Name · Activity/Date · Group 1 (10am-1pm), Group 2 (1-4pm) or ALL day · Subject of the Art you will display (optional) Max 3 pieces & you supply easels) · Name of the Specimen(s) you want to draw (optional) Bug Blast – Sunday September 21, 10am - 4pm Birds at the Burke - Saturday October 18, 10am – 4pm please note this event is the same day as our quarterly GNSI meeting and workshop with presenter Justin Gibbens Meet the Mammals – Saturday November 15, Artists may also be interested in the BIG DRAW happening at the Burke on Saturday October 4, from 10am – 5pm. The museum will be turned into a giant art studio and the Burke will supply paper, drawing supplies and models. Susan Pope GNSI NW President [email protected]
List of Events for 2015
September 2022
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